Monday, November 22, 2010

Boston Tea Party

On a very cold and dark evening on December 16, 1773 a group of 60 colonists boarded 3 British ships in Boston Harbor. They contained tea from The East India Company. The tea had a tax on it. Thomas Hutchinson commanded that the ships should not return to England with their cargo but that the tea be unloaded.Patriot Sam Adams immediately thought of a plan where colonists, had disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians. After that they boarded the ships. They opened all 342 boxes of tea and threw them overboard. 
Three hours later, every box of tea had been broke or thrown overboard. British ships had came from all around but no one had attempted to arrest them. 


  1. i'm very glad i found this because it could not find it on youtube and i looked up bouston tea party for my school homework and i finally found it thank you Julie & Rachel ya'll are the best people i ever meant

    1. That was so sweet who ever wrote that
